Wednesday, 28 April 2010

Where are we going .. . approximately

28 May ....CCRC Spring Cruise to Cherbourg and beyond
4 June ..... Braye (Alderney)
7 June ..... Trebeurden
10 June ... L'Aberwrac'h ........... Not too far from Brest Airport
12 June ... Camaret .................. ditto
14 June ... South Brittany ........ Accessible from Nantes Airport

Save the Albatross

Up the mast

Planning the Summer Cruise

Good Morning All,
The Summer is almost here and we have started to plan our Summer Cruise.
The channel beckons and in just a few weeks we will be in France.
We plan to start our journey from Itchenor in the excellent company of other boats and members of the Chichester Cruiser Racer Club, before leaving them and heading off to the Channel Islands and then to South Brittany.
Sadly we've had to leave our German Shepherd Bonzo at home as we'll be landing in France, but I'm sure he will be happy with Sue's company and his daily walk.
We look forward to welcoming friends and family during our cruise.