Tuesday, 28 June 2011

What Exactly constitutes an Epic?

The Summer Epic Cruise is progressing  very much as expected.
After a slow and sometimes rough start  with the excellent company of Al, we eventually made it (sodden with spray and rain) to L’Aberwrac’h .  .

Our  next stop was St Evette  after a near epic  from L’Abers.  Nice overnight  stop on a mooring buoy, then a modest epic down to Sauzon  on Belle Isle ..  this trip qualified for epic status on the basis of being a very long way.  Wobbly night at Sauzon attached to another mooring buoy  and then on to Pornichet (non-epic trip  only 35  miles  but  near-epic manoeuvres in marina  with much traffic on hot  Sunday  afternoon).

Successfully met up with Mark and Gill in Pornichet, re-fuelled and re-provisioned (how do you spell  “vital” as in food?)
Next  morning off to Noirmoutier where we anchored and swam  and enjoyed a lovely hot afternoon .. swimming involved  having  someone constantly on Jelly-watch  as we spotted a big one when we anchored.  No jellies attacked however and fortunately none tried coming up the pipe to the loo either .. also no crocs or alligators either.

Yesterday set off again, this time for Joinville on Isle de Yeu.  Should have been an easy  (non-epic) voyage  but had a minor  thunder storm  en route.  Fortunately we noticed other boats dropping sails and stuff before  the  hot air  (amazing hot blast F6) followed by rain and colder wind hit us.  We also followed a bigger boat  closely in the hope that any lightening  would prefer his much taller mast.

Today  .. a day off in Joinville  .. went running  (short, but quite pleasant, remarkably)  .. lunch on the boat,  nice walk to the cliffs and 15th century  castle etc.

Tuesday, 21 June 2011



Managed to do Lesardrieux to L’Aberwrac’h in one step having decided it was impossible.  It nearly was.  Probably qualifies as an epic.

Arrived 9 pm after surviving (currently known as  “epic 4”)  ..  briefly ..  F6 gusting F7 and 2 knot tide both on the nose  ….anyway L’Abers is great.  Got here (wet) , had supper  .. a little red wine (euros 2.99)  .. slept very well.

Monday.  A day off in  L’Abers. Rained a lot.  Everything and everybody is wet.
The wet locker  also known as the shower is wet.
Cider for  lunch, then we went shopping
Beer for 1st tea.
Tea and lardycake for 2nd tea.
Wine for hors d’ouvre.
Crepes at restaurant. Very good meal.
Apple liquor.

Said “Good Bye” to Al at bus stop.
Tried to dry out the boat.
Sunshine later.
Discussed options for getting south.
No conclusions  but  will go tomorrow if the “7” disappears from all the forecasts.
Warmer now.
Drier and sunny.
Spag bog and lardycake for supper..
Life is good.

Saturday, 18 June 2011

Northern Brittany

Captain's Log   .. star date 18.06.2012
Now marooned in French Sector.
Professor Edwards  seems able to communicate with the local civilians.
Captain's wife as lovely as ever.

Left Itchenor on Monday.  Nasty bumpy crossing to Cherbourg.
Sainsbury's pork pies proved to be the ideal anti-emetic  (fear of tasting them again the way up seems to suppress gag reflex) .. or so the Prof believes.  Anyway, we all survived.

Anchored outside Cherbourg on Monday night.  Slept well.

Tuesday, pleasantly motored to St Peter Port.
2 nights in St Peter Port. 
Nice walk along the cliffs.

Thursday close reach then beat towards Treguier.
Big waves F5 and strong current.  Ended up in Lesardrieux.  I always like it here.
Friday  .. nice walk  .. Jardin Botanic ... heavy rain at times  ... F7-8 at sea  ..   nice in the marina .. huge tides.

Today  .. Saturday ... Jean went out for run   (I didnt).   Shopping trip  and much passage planning for tomorrow. The weather looks better for tomorrow  so we aim to anchor off Primel then aim at L'Aberwrach on Monday.

Al is cooking Thai Red Curried Turkey  with local cider as hors d'oeuvre.

Friday, 3 June 2011

CCRC Summer Cruise

Friday 27th May.
Hayling Island to Cherbourg.
Start put back to 0700 as so windy (very sensible, 2 hours more in bed).
Broad reach with 2 reefs across Channel. 7 hours (a PB). 3rd over all in the Beta Fleet. Pretty good, considering our handicap (must have a word .. or perhaps a plead .. with His Eminence The Handicapping Officer .. would buying him a few drinks help?).

Cherbourg was nice. Dinner at the Yacht Club was good.

Off to Carteret. Most people stopped at Dielette for lunch. We decided to follow the advice of the Almanac instead, but Marmite sandwiches never disappoint. Sailed slowly to Carteret, arrived at HW -90 and still almost grounded. Carteret was nice.

Jean went for a run with two esteemed fleet athletes.
We were (narrowly) eliminated in the first round of the annual CCRC petanque competition (again). Lovely BBQ.

Tuesday. Off to St Helier. This shows Arcadia sailing very nicely in the company of Dolphins.

Tuesday afternoon. After a rapid and nice sail we arrived outside St Helier Marina (via the fishing boat harbour after a minor navigational error). Eventually managed to get rafted up (odd how boats that are longer, or fatter, or older than us naturally assume that we wont mind queuing just a little bit longer).

Relaxing in St Helier. Was it a long day, or are you checking something aloft?

Bad news.. weather forecast worrying for weekend. With wedding to get back for, we opted to depart on Wednesday before the the weather became pear-shaped.

Red Apple settling into their berth.

Tuesday evening. "Safari Supper", wonderful.

Wednesday morning. Up at 0430, not so wonderful.
We left St Helier at 5.00, reached the Alderney Race at 10 am (2 knots current, less than 60cm chop), we motor-sailed across the Channel in warm sunshine and picked up our mooring at Itchenor at 10 pm.
Red Apple followed us towards the Race and then headed off to Cherbourg.

A long, but otherwise easy, day.

Arrived Chichester 2200. Nice sunset!