Monday, 8 August 2011

In the footsteps of Pete Goss

Here we are  .. on pontoon "L" at the Sables d'Olonne, Port Olona. 
This is from where my mate Pete (also Tony Bullimore and Ellen M) all set off  .. from this very  pontoon ..   the very wood is hallowed..

Where've we been?  Well, from St Denis we went down to St Martine and moored outside.  At St Martine we were entertained to a helicopter rescue of an empty stretcher (at sea) by a helicopter and several men dressed in black rubber .. anyway, it made a lot of noise and was quite interesting for the first 20 minutes or so.

From thence to Bourgenay, a nice place where a serious single-handed 6.5 M trans- Biscay  epic was ending .. The French know about sailing and about epics ...  anyway, next day en route back to St Martine we caught a swordfish,  not a big one, but it got away. Later it came back with its friends and ate ALL OUR HOOKS.

Later we berthed in St Martine.  Historic indeed.
Next to La Rochelle  via Ile d'Aix.

La Rochelle is big (you may think it’s a long way to ... etc,  but  La Rochelle is even bigger).. anyway…. at LR we had to say "Goodbye" to Rob, Gemma and family  and try to cope alone without them.

4 nights in LR.

Windy trip to  Les Sables  .. F6 at one stage (cold front with 20 degree wind veer and some concern on board) anyway (again) we made it to Les Sables. 
At Le Sables we explored St Pete Goss' pontoon, had a lovely supper of Smoked Salmon Pasta and are now listening to Bob Marley.. Tough, eh ..

Went running (briefly) today.  Then we explored the sacred pontoon.
At the end is a 150 foot mega motor boat  .. see picture  . The thing that worries me is  .. why couldn’t they afford a proper stainless steel anchor?