Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Captain's blog

The plot so far.
David very kindly took us down to Itchenor.  We had a lot of "stuff".

The first night of our cruise involved staying on our mooring.  Lovely!

11 April 2012.
Up at dawn (0830)

West Pole 1000 (least depth just north of bar beacon was 0.8 M @ 0945 (HW Chi +75 min)  .. I mention this simply to show that we have been 1. passage planning 2. keeping a diligent log.
Anyway  .. despite going quite well, we weren't fast enough to get to Weymouth and had a romantic evening (night) in Studland Bay instead  (anchored in 3 metres using 40 metres of chain .. ample I thought).

Spent some time worrying about blue liquid coming out of the cooling system.

12 April 2012
up at 0530 (well Jean was).  Left at 0630  .. fair tide towards somewhat minor overfalls at Anvil Point.
Arrived Weymouth Town Quay 1010.
Tied up at Town Quay.  One other boat there Presented our compliments to the Harbour Master's staff, who made us move 20 metres up stream, reasons:
1. Lots of 20  metre yachts coming in
2. We should have called on VHF first
3. Dogs like pissing on lamp posts
4. The "Olimpics is Stressful"
5. etc
The new loos at Weymouth have a Dyson Airblade in the men’s washrooms. This would be really good if the taps ran sufficiently to get your hands wet. The computerised flushing  .. in a word ..  doesn't flush.

Serviced a winch without losing the bits over the side.
Great fish and chips.

Next morning  .. alone on pontoon.  No sign  of the fleet of 20 Metre racing  yachts.

13 April 2012  ..A FRIDAY
Up at 0530   .. Yes, really.  Really dark.
Portland Bill at 0630.  Hit 11.2 Knots (on inner passage).
Thought about Dartmouth, maybe Salcombe?  Opted for Plymouth.
Arrived Sutton Lock Marina 1830.
'nuff said.

Italian(ish) dinner.

14 April 2012.
Shower etc
"We'll definitely (90%) go to  Fowey  rather than Falmouth (10%)".
after a brief thunderstorm, the VHF and AIS malfunctioning, and a little rain ..
arrived Falmouth Visitor's Marina at 1815.

approaching Falmouth

Salmon pasta supper ..  excellent.

15 April 2012
Day off in Falmouth.
Bought a new aerial
Had a nice walk.
Discussed tomorrow.

16 April 2012
"Gale 8 later"
Spent the morning fitting the new aerial.
Art gallery and Tesco Metro in the afternoon.
No sign of gale.
Force 9 promised for 17th.
We may be here all Summer.

Steak and potatoes followed by Tescos Chocolate Tart. Lovely.

17, 18, 19, 20  April.  Stayed in Falmouth.
Had a nice walk.
A short run.
A nice meal at the Yacht Club ("visiting yotties welcome etc.")
Many trips to Tescos.
A nice visit to the National Maritime Museum.

Interesting to see that most of the boats I have sailed through the years are now considered to be antiques and are hanging from the ceiling  (wayfarer, laser, firefly etc.).  The nice lady who sold us our tickets refused to believe that I wasn't entitled to a "concession" despite me being somewhere in my 50s.

David arrived on Friday night.
Supper aboard. Up at 0540 for the weather forecast.  "NW F5-F7".  Let's go for it.

We made it to Newlyn. A little bumpy in places, but no major problem. I didn’t vomit.

Newlyn is nice.
Newlyn welcomes yachts.
The nice men in the watch tower ( Dave and Dave .. Dave's assistant) are very helpful.
Dave doesn't answer calls on VHF from yachts as they don't have VHF in the tower. (No phone either).
Berth at one of the first 3 fingers at the SW end of the floating pontoon. (No too difficult .. we didn't hit anything)
There are 3 finger pontoons for yachts and they can take 12 visitors at a time.
£18 a night, free electricity (you need a long wire and need to get to the plug before anyone else gets it).
Eat your heart out Weymouth.

Nice walk to  Mousehole.

Windy. Windy. Windy.

Saturday, 7 April 2012

Cruise News

With Bonzo back from rehab and our house-sitter discharged from hospital, we are almost ready to go.
Our "pet" guard dog "Bonzo" before his lobotomy

We hope to set sail on Wednesday and get to Milford Haven on 23rd April