Possibly rather a long title?
Hello again Dear Reader(s), have you missed me?
Anyway .. we are in
Scotland … roughly …
Loch Moidart
Initially windy and wet, later windy and wet.
On our second day we had a really good walk … along the coast over the mountain, around
the lake, down to the sea and back to the boat
… wonderful!
We slept well.
2nd August 2012
Off to Arisaig.
Quite challenging to get into.
If you follow the obvious transit on the hill, you feel very
reassured until you realise that the transit actually consists of two Vodafone
aerials on a post halfway up the mountain.
These are, of course, always in line from all directions.
We were allocated a mooring and went ashore to the
Arisaig is nice
The tourist centre is excellent.
The Spar Shop sells everything.
We are happy.
3rd August
We greet Martin at the station and flubber him aboard.
Off to Rum. (aka Rhum).
(Martin: “Crowded, there was another boat in the bay”)
Night in Rum.
Ashore in the morning.
Today is the official “Rum Midge Fest” .. ruined by a lack of Midges.
We walked up to the castle and watched a couple of horses
having it off in the field. Apparently Edward VIII enjoyed himself here as
Next stop Loch Scalaig for lunch
The Most Beautiful Anchorage in Europe.
Off to Loch Harport for the night (home caught mackerel and chicken stew).
Anchored outside the Talisker distillery.
5th August
Epic beat to Dunvegan (full of carnivores).
Dinner aboard.
6th August
Walk to castle
Walk to MacLeod’s finger (erected 2000, vandalised 2001)
MacLeod’s finger
Walk to shop ..
Martin walked to the bakery.
Nice meal (F & C) at Dunvegan Hotel. Pleasant English
7th August
Epic trip to Rona
(not a real Epic, but Martin dictated this bit).
Rona .. deserted but
for 7 boat in the anchorage.
No road vehicles except 2 quad bikes and a JCB.
Nice walk to the cave chapel where Martin found a fossilised
Ichthyosaur (rabbit bones).
Night at anchor.
8th August
Awesome spinnaker beat to Portree
Decided to sell spinnaker when we get home (if we ever do).
Arrived Portree
Highland Games Week in Portree.
Lots of Highland Games going on.
Ate out for lunch then had circular walk (obviously).
Delicious supper aboard.
9th August
Off to Kyle of Lochalsh. Decided not to stop as K o L was a
bit of a dump.
We witnessed a dramatic rescue ... reader(s) of nervous
disposition should look away now .. anyway,
let me take you to the scene ..
“Stornoway Coastguard, Stornoway Coastguard, Stornoway
Coastguard, this is Yacht Mule, Yacht Mule, Yacht Mule, we are becalmed, on
flat water, in no danger whatsoever and the engine is b*gg*red, help! Over”
The rest of this story is probably too frightening for my
reader(s) but rest assured Dear Reader(s) no animals were harmed in the
reconstruction of this event.
But .. we saw a huge
pod of dolphins whilst listening to unfolding
Dolphin jumping
Under the Bridge of Skye (complete absence of bunnies).
Next stop Ornsay (from where I write).