This makes blogging from Scotland almost impossible.
Anyway we are home now so I can try to blog from Essex again.
4th August 2014
We returned to Arisaig, flubbering out to the boat without significant drama.
Arisaig (again)
Next day to Mallaig. We like Mallaig, its marina, electrical sockets and Co-op. Richard and Gwen arrived. This was a very good thing.I don't think I have ever taught complete novices to sail before but they took to it like Guillemots to water. Being soundly grounded in camping and caravanning is a huge advantage. Add a mast, some random physics and the Northern Atlantic and you're there, pretty much.
I also taught Gwen all I know about ornithology and regretted it. Fortunately, I did know more about Swinhoe's Petrel than she did (see Swinhoe's Fortunate Petrel elsewhere in this blog etc.)
Ornithology tutorial in progress
We sailed to Rhum (aka Rum) where we anchored for the night and had a very nice walk and chicken for dinner.
Canna was our next stop. Richard and I made it to the church. Jean and Gwen didn't.
Canna. Note church in distance.
Canna is very nice but we lost our anchor ball there .... so Dear Reader, if you happen to find a very nice unattached red anchor ball floating off the west coast of Scotland, please retrieve it because it is almost certainly ours.
This is very interesting
Next off, a beam reach in F4-6 to Loch Harport where we anchored at the 4th attempt.There is something about anchoring in Loch Harport.It rained.
9th August dawned warm sunny and breezy.We sailed all the way to Arisaig.We had a walk and I fell in a ditch.It rained a lot and very windy. I blame Mr Salmond.
11th August. A weather window appeared late that afternoon. Weather windows are ephemeral, quixotic and generally tenuous things, but we whizzed back to Mallaig anyway.We like Mallaig, its marina, electrical sockets and Co-op.
12 - 13th August
Richard and Gwen left for their B&B, apparently happy and with no obvious injuries.
I'm hopeful they will come again next year.
I had a riveting day marking exam papers from Essex Poly and helping Jean to unblock Albatross' alimentary tract. We had dinner out. Jean left her handbag in the restaurant. A nice man telephoned Susan in Croatia to tell her about Jean's handbag and we all lived happily ever after. I wont bore you, Dear Reader with the details.
14th August.
To Tobermory. We set off early to be sure of a berth. It was almost empty when we arrived.
We had 4 nights in Tobermory and bad weather.
Martin arrived from Essex.This was good.
Martin helped me unblock our Albatross again. Apparently ammonia, urea, seawater and silica form a complex that some desert-living Egyptians can carve into antiques. (Camel pee plus sand plus sunshine, is similar apparently to Albatross poo plus seawater without any sunshine at all). However, we decided to forgo the opportunity of starting a local craft business in Tobermory (carving the concretions) and dumped it back in the sea (where ultimately it should have gone in the first place)*
From Tobermory, Troon beckoned.
With strongish northwesterlies, we stonked down to
Loch Spelve
Lock Spelve
to West Loch Tarbert (Jura), past the Paps of Jura
The Paps
and to Port Ellen (Islay), around the Mull of Kintyre to Campeltown and back to Troon.
Troon is and was much the same as ever. Probably the best marina we have ever staying in. Easy access, efficient friendly staff, good shelter .... I could go on.
We said "Goodbye" to Martin and hope he will join us again next year.
Car hire back to Essex.
Amazing what you can pack in VW Golf.
By the way, Bonzo is fine.
Next year, Portugal via the wrong side of Ireland and the Scillies.
*You know what I mean.