Sunday, 27 September 2020

A brief history of our time spent sailing since the last episode.

16 August 2020

To Albatross for the night

17 August 2020

Our Late August Cruise 2020

To Anstey’s Cove and then to Brixham Marina.  Brixham was hosting the Laser 2000 National Champs  so most of WWSC were there, which was nice.

18 August 2020

Back to Dartmouth and to our mooring.

Jean went home car.  I went by flubber.  The engine wouldn’t start.  I rowed.  It took 2 hours and  40 minutes. I enjoyed the first 40 minutes.

24 August 2020

We did an experimental trip to Albatross in “The Green Thing”   (our slightly leaky plastic tender with 2 small wheels and an outboard).  We got there and back without any major crisis.  This was how we could access Albatross from Stoke Gabriel in the future.

9 September 2020


Dartmouth to Beer.  Anchored .. there is shelter from the North and we had a NE wind overnight. 

Note to self: A scope of better than 1:3 makes for a less anxious night.

10 September 2020

To Weymouth Town Quay.

We met up with Helen and had a swim in Portland Harbour

11 September

I pretended to fix things while we remained berthed at WTQ

12 September.

Still at WTQ. When would Helen’s baby be born?

13 September

It was chucking out time at WQT  (Covid restrictions), so off to Weymouth Marina with Isabel and Caitlin. Another exciting trip under the bridge.

15 September

Still in Weymouth Marina

16 September

A very happy day. The baby arrived safely. (We went back to WTQ.) 

17 September.

Isabel’s birthday.

Free night at WTQ.

(Covid Regs:  can only stay at WTQ for 3 nights at a time but you get the fifth night free. Strange times indeed)

18 September 2020

It was equinoctial  spring tides and F6 easterly   .. so was this a good day to wiz around The Bill of Portland and go home?   I consulted the nice man in the Harbour Office seeking his “local knowledge and experience”.  “No trouble at all,  leave at HW Portland plus 4 if you take the inner passage”. We did. It was fine.

Later having safely gybed around the Bill we were going a good 8 knots when a weather warning came in.  “Strong wind warning” and there were risk of gales or near gales in Lyme Bay.  On hearing the warning, the wind dropped.  We slowed to a near stop.  On came the motor. We chugged to Dartmouth. At least the engine wasn’t leaking anything, but it had developed a new rattle. Night aboard at our mooring.

19 September

Green Thing to SG.

Sailing season over.