Thursday, 20 June 2013

Provisioning for northern climes.


Flapjacks ... as made earlier

100g/ 4oz butter/marge/oil  (but don’t use ‘light’ margerine or spreads that have extra water in them)
100g/ 4oz soft brown sugar
2  tablespoons of golden syrup
200g /8oz porridge oats
pinch of salt

Put butter, sugar and syrup into a large saucepan and heat until melted and mixed but do not boil.
Draw off the heat and stir in the oats and salt.
Grease thoroughly a baking tin/ roasting tin, add mixture.
Bake at 180C Gas Mark 4 for 10 - 15 mins. (ie a medium heat.  If in doubt, use a lower heat for longer; if you over cook it will go rock hard when cool)  The mixture should be bubbling slightly through to the centre, and  browning round the edges when you take it out of the oven.
Mark into squares while still hot (about 10 mins after you take it out) but leave in the tin until cold.

Should make 8 pieces.

Better in larger quantities.

Not recommended for dogs.

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