Wednesday, 18 May 2022


Established by elizabethan pirates in 1562, this little harbour was previously known as "Arrrrdglarse" and the modern pronunciation (and spelling) was not adopted until Victorian times (by which time piracy had largely died out locally).


So much for the history, Dear Reader.

Having fled from the predicted storms of  Malahide, our intrepid duo arrived outside Ardglass some 20 hours ago, only to find that the harbour was too shallow for their little boat. Undeterred,  they sailed around in circles until the tide came in before motoring cautiously into the harbour.
On arrival they found that the excellent harbour authorities had secretly had their harbour dredged some six months previously but (having kept this secret secret, so that nobody knew) had not told the nice people who draw the Oceanographic Charts that this beautiful harbour was, in fact, now quite deep enough (at all states of the tide) for a little boat such as our Albatross.
Thus it had been entirely unnecessary to sail around in circles outside the harbour (waiting for the tide to come in) and our intrepid sailors might have had supper 2 hours earlier.

Or as pirates say  "Arrrrr".

Next time: To Glenarrrm.

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