Thursday, 9 June 2022

Oban to Oban via Loch Linnhe

To Bernera Bay.   Almost completely enclosed but for its narrow entrance, the chart recommended anchoring in  about 5 metres at the far end of the Loch.  We dropped our hook, reversed backwards, pulled it out and came perilously close to the beach.  After much dithering and discussion we had another go in about 11 metres  and having put down our very fine oversized Rocna anchor plus 55 metres of very fine chain and tested it in reverse at 2000 rpm, we felt confident enough have supper and go to bed.  Meanwhile, a smaller boat with a list to port and a single occupant turned up nearby.  Having tested  the depth with a lead line, he chucked, with one hand, a small anchor over the side of his boat, with a small amount of chain, looked briefly around, and disappeared below.
We were both alive next morning and no one had run aground. 

7 June.  An auspicious day.
We eventually got our anchor up and headed off to Linnhe Marina   ...  60 or so moorings with a pontoon to get ashore, neatly tucked behind  the Island of Shuna.   It looked perfect, we'd stay 2 nights.
"But will be rough in the morning, I'd not stay 2 nights" advised the owner.
"Nonsense" I thought.
Maximum 10 knots forecast. It was sunny and warm.
Next morning, there was a gentle breeze straight down the loch.  It was very bumpy. We decided to head off to Dunstaffnage.  A proper marina.
And thence to Kerrera opposite Oban, to shelter from the approaching gales and to prepare for a trip to Devon  ... BY CAR!


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